Tuesday 14 February 2012

Each of the chapters of The Better Covenant ends with a brief summary. I thought it might be interesting for some to get a feel of how the book develops, so here are a few summaries of the first chapters. To begin here is the foreword by Johan Companjen.

Foreword: Johan Companjen
During more than 30-years of travel around the world, I have often noted that many Christians have little knowledge of the basic truths described in God's Word, the Bible. They know the stories from the Old and New Testaments, but fail to see the connection between them or God's overall, marvellous plan with mankind. So many Christians know so little about God's Covenant with His people.

That is why the book you hold in your hand is so important. Ron Bailey's clear description and explanation of God's age transcending covenants with his people paints the bigger picture. I have been blessed, challenged and encouraged to realize again, while reading Ron's book, that God has a wonderful 'master plan' – not only with creation but with all of mankind. I'm so blessed every time I read how the Lord 'went out of His way' to reveal His plans to mankind throughout the Bible, as Ron shares so clearly in this book.

"The Better Covenant" is solid spiritual food for all who are not satisfied with just emotions or good feelings, but have a desire to dig deeper into the truths of God's Word.

May this book be used to draw many into a covenant relationship with the Lord of the Universe, the Saviour of mankind, our wonderful God and Father who longs for us to be part of His plan.

Johan Companjen
President Emeritus Open Doors International

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